Dragged down by their own arrogance, dishonesty, stupidity and lies...
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #322 on: November 10, 2010, 09:53:37 PM
“You do have to give the mad old bastard some points for persistence.”
Persistent? Oh, you have NO idea. True White Nationalists NEVER, EVER give up and they certainly don’t back down to gutless maggots like you.
“Anyone in the Nationalist movement who doesn't have knuckles dragging on the ground is your enemy and everyone with an IQ of less than 10 is your friend but he keeps on going.”
That’s pretty dangerous territory to be treading in, talking about I.Q.’s with the track record of the A.P.P. and other bogus ‘nationalists’
“He's forever seeking validation somehow,”
One can only wonder from what dark recesses of a fevered mind this assumption emanates. So much considered, detailed and focused hatred from a creature who claimed in its earliest posts, only weeks ago, to have had no knowledge of its target other than a single (fictitious) meeting. Honestly folks, who reading this online brawl can seriously extend the A.P.P. and their agents a shred of credit?
“forever seeking to have everyone bow down before his girth (and blow him probably).”
Just gotta keep slippin’ that sexual ref in eh ‘Reactor’? What a sad sack you are. Hiding behind the ‘puter screen and your multiple personality disorder.
“He's desperately seeking Susan.”
Oh so devastatingly clever. Oh so cryptic. Old Freddy gives good ‘info’ don’t he?
“The latest blast of hot air contains a direct physical challenge to someone (Mick) at Pitt St this Saturday night.”
Erm, we believe you’ll discover, if you extract your head from your arse, do the research and actually READ the ‘correspondence’ between us and ‘Mick’ that this ‘physical challenge’ is a RESPONSE to his/her/its threats deliberately escalated beyond tolerance.
“Perhaps Pete should be pushed for some specific details as in what number Pitt St and what time?”
‘Pushed’? Perhaps YOU should be ‘pushed’ under a bus?
Disclaimer: Of course, in anticipation of yet another deliberately contrived Darp-like cry baby overreaction, we are not actually suggesting or inciting anyone in particular to do such a thing and besides, thanks to your cowardice, we may never know, for absolute certainty, who the fuck you are anyway so it’s rather academic. BUT it is a comforting thought, metaphorical though it is.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #321 on: November 10, 2010, 08:39:40 PM
“If what is being posted on brokeback towers isn't proof positive that Campbell lives in an alternate reality I don't know what is.”
Hodges, YOU dropped the Blue pill years ago. It is clearly YOU who occupy an ‘elaborate fantasy’ world. One where you are An intelligent, talented, witty and perhaps even dashingly courageous, handsome, square jawed hero jousting with the dark and evil forces of Nazism. Ready, at a moment’s notice, to rescue any endangered Little Jewish Princess from those nasty Nazis. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
“He has constructed an elaborate fantasy, is outing random people he believes are conspiring against him in a fail that will out do the epic fail of outing 'slackbastard' and still he wonders why he has an ever-increasing circle of enemies.”
There’s an old saying that one can judge the quality of a Man by the enemies he keeps. We were hoping for better than the likes of the brain damaged insipid dweeb Hodges to boost our ‘rep points’ in that department. Still, here’s hoping we can pick up some better quality enemies in time.
“And and (sic) from the "we're not nazis" dept:”
Who says “we’re not Nazis”? Not Whitelaw Towers that’s for sure, we leave the hysterical paroxysms of denial, the snivelling and grovelling to the Zionist Chosenites to the so called Australian Protectionist Party.
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #323 on: Today at 03:12:01 AM
“Normally I don't get involved in situations where there is history I am unaware of,”
It’s became excruciatingly apparent in the short time we’ve observed your posts that you are blissfully ‘unaware’ of a LOT of things. But don’t let that stop you from ejaculating a stream of ill informed bullshit onto the ‘net.
“but Whitelaw towers came over all cocky, and I've decided I really don't like them.”
Well, that’s a good enough reason to stalk, threaten and incite violence if ever we saw one…sheesh!
“I did a simple whitepages.com.au search for Peter Campbell in Sydney and got this:”
“simple” is something you appear to do well.
Campbell P G
(02) 9!@#$%%#
%^ Pitt St
“Not sure if it the same guy, but it is the only listing aside from a chartered account, and somehow I don't think that is him.”
But it’s still all good and okay to post this bloke’s details on the World Wide Web.
“Its pretty easy to find...if I was putting sh!t on so many people on a blog I would at least have the brains to get a silent number. That is if its him....anyone care to call and find out?”
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #324 on: Today at 11:00:35 AM
“It is bad enought (sic) putting up an address but a phone number is not right weather (sic) you love or hate that person”
Spoken like a gentleman, sir. Sadly for you Jonas, that sort of thinking will get you the sack from A.P.P.
Hodges learned his ‘trade’ at Darp’s knee and he don’t take kindly to…well, you know the rest…
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #325 on: Today at 03:03:38 PM
Quote from: Jonas on Today at 11:00:35 AM
It is bad enought putting up an address but a phone number is not right weather you love or hate that person
“Clearly you don't grasp the situation.”
That’s a funny statement from one who clearly has a very tenuous ‘grasp’ of what is really going on. Either ‘Martel’ is that stupid or is that evil. Not much of a choice really, is it?
“The only way to frighten people who are always trying to "out" others, is to out that person entirely.”
So, erm, do we assume that you are admitting here to engaging in a form of ‘Terrorism’ to force the suppression of inconvenient facts?
“Why are you so quick to jump to the defence of this WLT mob?”
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #326 on: Today at 03:33:30 PM
Quote from: Martel on Today at 03:03:38 PM
Quote from: Jonas on Today at 11:00:35 AM
It is bad enought putting up an address but a phone number is not right weather you love or hate that person
Clearly you don't grasp the situation.
The only way to frighten people who are always trying to "out" others, is to out that person entirely.
Why are you so quick to jump to the defence of this WLT mob?
“WLT are "always trying to out others"? You've only just started reading their blog. I think you'll find that WLT tries to "out" the antifa who have long been trying to "out" nationalists.”
Correct. WLT have sat on lots of various information for many years because we see no ultimate benefit to the White Nationalist cause in broadcasting it.
“Nationalists have long had a code of not "outing" other nationalists. If WLT has extended their code to "outing" any other nationalists, it would be a rare exception and would only be due to provocation.”
Absolutely correct again. Anyone who has seen WLT operating over the years knows this. There IS a code of honour. An unwritten law but we admit the latest developments have sorely tested our resolve to maintain this.
“I absolutely agree with Jonas. Leave the "outing" alone. It doesn't help anyone. Except the Reds.”
Oh, you said a mouthful right there ‘jaxxen’. Give that man a prize.
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #327 on: Today at 04:01:42 PM
“I am surprised a moderator has not removed it
What if it is not him but another person (?)
And besides he could have phone numbers him self that he could post oh his blog”
NOW do you begin to comprehend the quality or lack thereof among the leadership of the A.P.P.? Is it perhaps starting to dawn on you that you are not in the company of gentlemen and scholars? Think!
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #336 on: November 11, 2010, 11:17:14 PM
“Once more I'm being drawn into Campbell's futile life.”
“Futile”? Coming from the all time loser that’s a bit rich, don’t you think? That is hilarious (on one level) as you KNOW you started all this with your snaky mendacity and arrogant disrespect. You are SCUM every bit as low as your demigod Darp.
“He appears bewildered at his growing list of enemies and being unable to cope, lashes out at anybody by publishing names and localities of people who have nothing to do with his sordid delusions. He cries with righteous fury that somebody 'might get hurt' when somebody inappropriately put up some persons address. I said that when Campbell and Co. published the incorrect details of the so called 'slackbastard', because :”
Still having trouble working out who’s who and who posted what on WLT? The writing styles are so distinctly different yet you still have trouble?
“a) I knew they were wrong and;”
HOW would you know jack shit Hodges?...unless you were/are involved? You are an illiterate and borderline autistic MORON. You are too dumb to come in out of the rain. Ferfucksake. Do you not recall we met on many occasions and spoke face to face? I KNOW you and I know you have NOTHING. The only mistake I will concede is that political pragmatism and my general good and generous nature led me to trust you while my every instinct screamed ‘this bloke is a creep’ and others urged me to bash you on sight. Once again, an honourable White Man’s trust has been exploited by a treacherous serpent.
“b) That the person they published details of may be attacked.
“What an epic fail that was. The person was subsequently abused in the streets by somebody encouraged by Campbell's incitement. However, Campbell's attitude was 'he deserved what ever comes because he is an anarchist anyway'. Of course I was accused by Campbell of 'siding' with the enemy.”
Again and again you (wilfully?) misunderstand and/or misrepresent who posted this or that or commented etc. Even your sepsis ridden grey matter can discern the difference between the posters on WLT. Cut the crap Dazzles. You’re not fooling anyone.
“I see publishing personal details as a form of incitement, which is why we don't allow that on this forum.”
Yet you persist in publishing (limited) WLT details? Just enough to avoid a real tipping of the bucket onto yourself. You are beneath contempt. You are the dogshit real people scrape from their shoes.
“The fact that somebody did do that here means they have breached the rules and the fact that the information may have been present for some time is not because it was permitted, its because the admins, me being one of them, actually have to work unlike Campbell who sits drooling into his keyboard all day mashing the 'F5' key between strokes.”
“It seems I loom large in Peter's imagination, indeed its (sic) reminiscent of 1984 or Animal Farm where imaginary 'enemies of the people' were blamed for all the ills plaguing the regimes instead of the leaders taking responsibility for their own short comings. I've become 'Goldstein' in Campbell's paranoid delusion simply because he is unable to take responsibility for the growing list of people who apparently hate his guts for some reason or another.”
“Additionally, this is not an APP forum, it is a open public internet forum. The APP site is actually http://www.protectionist.net.”
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Blah! Blah! Blah!
“Last Edit: Today at 12:07:03 AM by Goldstein”
Yep! Keep on with that editing Dazzles. Expurgating any word or phrase that just might tip over into dodgy legal ares. You get a big ‘fail’ as an admin and do nothing to discipline the mad dogs on your site. Instead you feed them doggy treats under the table and pat their empty heads for attacking your enemies for you. You are the archetypal coward and you know what happens to cowards don’t you Dazzles? They die a thousand deaths.
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #340 on: Today at 12:59:16 AM
"We get attacked by the Nazis and the Communists..."
Well of COURSE you do Dazzles. Anyone with even a shred of ideology, Left or Right, despises a gutless ‘trimming’ fence sitter.
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