Friday, November 12, 2010

Hodges ratchets it down just one more notch...

From the so-called 'Australian (Israel) Protectionist Party' Forum:
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Karma: +244
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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #356 on: Today at 04:01:26 PM

“So after a few weeks of Peter Campbell carrying on like f***wit, and as a great follow-on from that epic fail of 'outing' slackbastard,”

AGAIN you assume, or pretend to assume, everything on Whitelaw Towers is the work of one poster.

“reading his hilarious conspiracy theories and watching him flail about trying to find out who his latest enemy is whilst dragging me”

Ooer! Poor widdle innocent Dazzles. Dwagged into the nasthty nazi’s shitfight. You have orchestrated much of this and you will regret starting something you are utterly incapable of finishing.

“(and everybody else) into his futile delusions - including outing random people who would only be dimly aware of his existence whilst all the time he is screaming like a stuck pig about the same - it turns out that it may well be actually be one of his own!”

Well, there you go folks, as close as one will get to a confession from the Dazzler that he has been actively working with some malcontent ex-member of K.N. Oh, and we know WHO and who he’s been ‘channelling’ through but it simply ain’t worth it to mention his name on here…yet. You know what they say too Dazzler? What goes around comes around. It’s a small world here in Sydney and it’s amazing how you can just bump into some people.
Out of the blue as they say.

“Incidentally, I recently heard a rumour that Jason Rafty had taken the money and run! Club Nation must be a real barrel of laughs!”

Also as far as ‘fuckwit’ goes Hodges, you bring entire new vistas of meaning to the term you brain damage case. Also, cut the crap with the “I heard it on the grapevine” shit. You have been in this up to your neck from day one and the name of your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to destroy Klub Nation Sydney. Why? Because it is strong and real whereas you and your little boy’s club are weak and figments of your own addled imaginations.

“Over the past month WLT have proven themselves to be complete and utter f***wits of the highest order! Keep it up guys, you have provided us with many minutes of entertainment. And if Campbell or Perran (sic) do publish my personal details, they will find the constabulary knocking on their respective front doors. Enjoy!”

Oh, now that IS funny. Very funny, in fact. There’s more than just a shade of the old Darp there Dazzles. On the one hand you’re engaged in a not so legal campaign, by proxy, to assassinate the character of an adversary and on the other you’ll lift your skirts up like an old lady and go shrieking to Constable Plod with lurid tales of victimisation. Talk about wanting it both ways. Hypocrisy is an inadequate word to cover what you do.

“oh, (sic) and I'll finish with Pete's favourite tagline:

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

That’s right, keep laughing Dazzles…while ya still can…

“Suck (sic) to be you Pete!”

Now that sounds like something you’d hear some fourteen year old schoolgirl saying as she taunts some rival on the bus. You really are a big girl’s blouse Dazzles. And you STILL can’t spell to save your miserable life, you illiterate retard.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Australian Protectionists just keep sinking deeper…and deeper…

Dragged down by their own arrogance, dishonesty, stupidity and lies...

Karma: +1
Posts: 33
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #322 on: November 10, 2010, 09:53:37 PM

“You do have to give the mad old bastard some points for persistence.”

Persistent? Oh, you have NO idea. True White Nationalists NEVER, EVER give up and they certainly don’t back down to gutless maggots like you.

“Anyone in the Nationalist movement who doesn't have knuckles dragging on the ground is your enemy and everyone with an IQ of less than 10 is your friend but he keeps on going.”

That’s pretty dangerous territory to be treading in, talking about I.Q.’s with the track record of the A.P.P. and other bogus ‘nationalists’

“He's forever seeking validation somehow,”

One can only wonder from what dark recesses of a fevered mind this assumption emanates. So much considered, detailed and focused hatred from a creature who claimed in its earliest posts, only weeks ago, to have had no knowledge of its target other than a single (fictitious) meeting. Honestly folks, who reading this online brawl can seriously extend the A.P.P. and their agents a shred of credit?

“forever seeking to have everyone bow down before his girth (and blow him probably).”

Just gotta keep slippin’ that sexual ref in eh ‘Reactor’? What a sad sack you are. Hiding behind the ‘puter screen and your multiple personality disorder.

“He's desperately seeking Susan.”

Oh so devastatingly clever. Oh so cryptic. Old Freddy gives good ‘info’ don’t he?

“The latest blast of hot air contains a direct physical challenge to someone (Mick) at Pitt St this Saturday night.”

Erm, we believe you’ll discover, if you extract your head from your arse, do the research and actually READ the ‘correspondence’ between us and ‘Mick’ that this ‘physical challenge’ is a RESPONSE to his/her/its threats deliberately escalated beyond tolerance.

“Perhaps Pete should be pushed for some specific details as in what number Pitt St and what time?”

‘Pushed’? Perhaps YOU should be ‘pushed’ under a bus?

Disclaimer: Of course, in anticipation of yet another deliberately contrived Darp-like cry baby overreaction, we are not actually suggesting or inciting anyone in particular to do such a thing and besides, thanks to your cowardice, we may never know, for absolute certainty, who the fuck you are anyway so it’s rather academic. BUT it is a comforting thought, metaphorical though it is.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Hero Member
Karma: +243
Posts: 3594
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #321 on: November 10, 2010, 08:39:40 PM
“If what is being posted on brokeback towers isn't proof positive that Campbell lives in an alternate reality I don't know what is.”

Hodges, YOU dropped the Blue pill years ago. It is clearly YOU who occupy an ‘elaborate fantasy’ world. One where you are An intelligent, talented, witty and perhaps even dashingly courageous, handsome, square jawed hero jousting with the dark and evil forces of Nazism. Ready, at a moment’s notice, to rescue any endangered Little Jewish Princess from those nasty Nazis. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

“He has constructed an elaborate fantasy, is outing random people he believes are conspiring against him in a fail that will out do the epic fail of outing 'slackbastard' and still he wonders why he has an ever-increasing circle of enemies.”

There’s an old saying that one can judge the quality of a Man by the enemies he keeps. We were hoping for better than the likes of the brain damaged insipid dweeb Hodges to boost our ‘rep points’ in that department. Still, here’s hoping we can pick up some better quality enemies in time.

“And and (sic) from the "we're not nazis" dept:”

Who says “we’re not Nazis”? Not Whitelaw Towers that’s for sure, we leave the hysterical paroxysms of denial, the snivelling and grovelling to the Zionist Chosenites to the so called Australian Protectionist Party.


Karma: +7
Posts: 39
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #323 on: Today at 03:12:01 AM
“Normally I don't get involved in situations where there is history I am unaware of,”

It’s became excruciatingly apparent in the short time we’ve observed your posts that you are blissfully ‘unaware’ of a LOT of things. But don’t let that stop you from ejaculating a stream of ill informed bullshit onto the ‘net.

“but Whitelaw towers came over all cocky, and I've decided I really don't like them.”

Well, that’s a good enough reason to stalk, threaten and incite violence if ever we saw one…sheesh!

“I did a simple search for Peter Campbell in Sydney and got this:”

“simple” is something you appear to do well.

Campbell P G
(02) 9!@#$%%#
%^ Pitt St

“Not sure if it the same guy, but it is the only listing aside from a chartered account, and somehow I don't think that is him.”

But it’s still all good and okay to post this bloke’s details on the World Wide Web.

“Its pretty easy to find...if I was putting sh!t on so many people on a blog I would at least have the brains to get a silent number. That is if its him....anyone care to call and find out?”

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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #324 on: Today at 11:00:35 AM
“It is bad enought (sic) putting up an address but a phone number is not right weather (sic) you love or hate that person”

Spoken like a gentleman, sir. Sadly for you Jonas, that sort of thinking will get you the sack from A.P.P.

Hodges learned his ‘trade’ at Darp’s knee and he don’t take kindly to…well, you know the rest…

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Karma: +7
Posts: 40
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #325 on: Today at 03:03:38 PM
Quote from: Jonas on Today at 11:00:35 AM
It is bad enought putting up an address but a phone number is not right weather you love or hate that person

“Clearly you don't grasp the situation.”

That’s a funny statement from one who clearly has a very tenuous ‘grasp’ of what is really going on. Either ‘Martel’ is that stupid or is that evil. Not much of a choice really, is it?

“The only way to frighten people who are always trying to "out" others, is to out that person entirely.”

So, erm, do we assume that you are admitting here to engaging in a form of ‘Terrorism’ to force the suppression of inconvenient facts?

“Why are you so quick to jump to the defence of this WLT mob?”

Hero Member
Karma: +136
Posts: 2358
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #326 on: Today at 03:33:30 PM
Quote from: Martel on Today at 03:03:38 PM
Quote from: Jonas on Today at 11:00:35 AM
It is bad enought putting up an address but a phone number is not right weather you love or hate that person
Clearly you don't grasp the situation.
The only way to frighten people who are always trying to "out" others, is to out that person entirely.
Why are you so quick to jump to the defence of this WLT mob?

“WLT are "always trying to out others"? You've only just started reading their blog. I think you'll find that WLT tries to "out" the antifa who have long been trying to "out" nationalists.”

Correct. WLT have sat on lots of various information for many years because we see no ultimate benefit to the White Nationalist cause in broadcasting it.

“Nationalists have long had a code of not "outing" other nationalists. If WLT has extended their code to "outing" any other nationalists, it would be a rare exception and would only be due to provocation.”

Absolutely correct again. Anyone who has seen WLT operating over the years knows this. There IS a code of honour. An unwritten law but we admit the latest developments have sorely tested our resolve to maintain this.

“I absolutely agree with Jonas. Leave the "outing" alone. It doesn't help anyone. Except the Reds.”

Oh, you said a mouthful right there ‘jaxxen’. Give that man a prize.

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Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #327 on: Today at 04:01:42 PM
“I am surprised a moderator has not removed it
What if it is not him but another person (?)
And besides he could have phone numbers him self that he could post oh his blog”

NOW do you begin to comprehend the quality or lack thereof among the leadership of the A.P.P.? Is it perhaps starting to dawn on you that you are not in the company of gentlemen and scholars? Think!

Hero Member
Karma: +244
Posts: 3598
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #336 on: November 11, 2010, 11:17:14 PM
“Once more I'm being drawn into Campbell's futile life.”

“Futile”? Coming from the all time loser that’s a bit rich, don’t you think? That is hilarious (on one level) as you KNOW you started all this with your snaky mendacity and arrogant disrespect. You are SCUM every bit as low as your demigod Darp.

“He appears bewildered at his growing list of enemies and being unable to cope, lashes out at anybody by publishing names and localities of people who have nothing to do with his sordid delusions. He cries with righteous fury that somebody 'might get hurt' when somebody inappropriately put up some persons address. I said that when Campbell and Co. published the incorrect details of the so called 'slackbastard', because :”

Still having trouble working out who’s who and who posted what on WLT? The writing styles are so distinctly different yet you still have trouble?

“a) I knew they were wrong and;”

HOW would you know jack shit Hodges?...unless you were/are involved? You are an illiterate and borderline autistic MORON. You are too dumb to come in out of the rain. Ferfucksake. Do you not recall we met on many occasions and spoke face to face? I KNOW you and I know you have NOTHING. The only mistake I will concede is that political pragmatism and my general good and generous nature led me to trust you while my every instinct screamed ‘this bloke is a creep’ and others urged me to bash you on sight. Once again, an honourable White Man’s trust has been exploited by a treacherous serpent.

“b) That the person they published details of may be attacked.

“What an epic fail that was. The person was subsequently abused in the streets by somebody encouraged by Campbell's incitement. However, Campbell's attitude was 'he deserved what ever comes because he is an anarchist anyway'. Of course I was accused by Campbell of 'siding' with the enemy.”

Again and again you (wilfully?) misunderstand and/or misrepresent who posted this or that or commented etc. Even your sepsis ridden grey matter can discern the difference between the posters on WLT. Cut the crap Dazzles. You’re not fooling anyone.

“I see publishing personal details as a form of incitement, which is why we don't allow that on this forum.”

Yet you persist in publishing (limited) WLT details? Just enough to avoid a real tipping of the bucket onto yourself. You are beneath contempt. You are the dogshit real people scrape from their shoes.

“The fact that somebody did do that here means they have breached the rules and the fact that the information may have been present for some time is not because it was permitted, its because the admins, me being one of them, actually have to work unlike Campbell who sits drooling into his keyboard all day mashing the 'F5' key between strokes.”

“It seems I loom large in Peter's imagination, indeed its (sic) reminiscent of 1984 or Animal Farm where imaginary 'enemies of the people' were blamed for all the ills plaguing the regimes instead of the leaders taking responsibility for their own short comings. I've become 'Goldstein' in Campbell's paranoid delusion simply because he is unable to take responsibility for the growing list of people who apparently hate his guts for some reason or another.”

“Additionally, this is not an APP forum, it is a open public internet forum. The APP site is actually”

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Blah! Blah! Blah!

“Last Edit: Today at 12:07:03 AM by Goldstein”

Yep! Keep on with that editing Dazzles. Expurgating any word or phrase that just might tip over into dodgy legal ares. You get a big ‘fail’ as an admin and do nothing to discipline the mad dogs on your site. Instead you feed them doggy treats under the table and pat their empty heads for attacking your enemies for you. You are the archetypal coward and you know what happens to cowards don’t you Dazzles? They die a thousand deaths.

Hero Member
Karma: +244
Posts: 3598
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
Reply #340 on: Today at 12:59:16 AM

"We get attacked by the Nazis and the Communists..."

Well of COURSE you do Dazzles. Anyone with even a shred of ideology, Left or Right, despises a gutless ‘trimming’ fence sitter.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A.P.P. refuse to censor Red swill who smear White Nationalists on their Forum

This from the A.P.P. Insane Asylum:
Hero Member
Karma: +243/-27
Posts: 3587
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #303 on: Today at 05:33:15 PM »
Quote: NO such ‘request’ was ever made OR granted and you know it. You LIAR!
“There are several people aware of this Pete and no such request will be entertained ever again.”

So there it is folks, in Black and White. Dazzles will permit ‘Reactor’, an entity he claims to not know and, more importantly, does not even WANT to know, carte blanche on commentary on his site. So, with no fear of censure or censorship… take it away ‘reactor’. Smear on.

“I'm (sic) have been dragged into Campbell's sordid past because he has no idea who his real protagonist is, I don't know and I don't want to know - its (sic) not my problem. It appears that somebody that Campbell pissed off in the past holds a grudge as well as Campbell, I suggest they meet somewhere and sort it out between themselves.”

Talk about a piss weak cop out. You’re the friggin’ ADMINISTRATOR of the Forum, you stupid deadshit. Of COURSE it’s your ‘problem’. As far as ‘Reactor’ meeting up with his target. Since you’re so brave Darrin, how about YOU meet him and say some of this sneering tripe TO HIS FACE?


Dazzles just gone a poo poo?


Hodges the paper tiger

From the Criminally Insane Brain Damage Case Darrin Hodges:

“This is the bloke who whined about his info being on the internet and which was removed at his request in exchange for shall we say, 'good behaviour'.”

Erm… Nope! We don’t DO ‘whining’ over here at Whitelaw Towers. We leave that to virtual non entities such as you Dazzles.

NO such ‘request’ was ever made OR granted and you know it. You LIAR!

ALL the ‘info’ (Hee! Hee! Hee!) is still there except for the name (now removed) of a certain person who has NO part in this fight whatsoever. That was a cynical move more likely taken on legal advice. As for the posting of some piss take, which this writer actually finds quite funny, as did others, on the entrenched sickness of today’s Multi-Cult Queer State then go right ahead. There’s an entire series of those Dazzles. Why not post them ALL and let everyone decide the CONTEXT in which they were originally conceived and published? But no, that probably wouldn’t suit your ‘needs’ right now, would it?

Are we to assume simplistically, as you obviously are urging your readers to, that deliberately strange and dark fiction is simply indicative of the author’s inner desires? If so, then Stephen King, Clive Barker and perhaps even Edgar Allen Poe and Howard Philips Lovecraft were/are all closet psychopathic murderers and Satanists! Also, Dazzles, we have to admit it IS a bit of a laugh when you think that you used to make a living out of selling and promoting such sex toys as featured in the story!!!

Keep ‘em comin’ Dazzles, old son. There's plenty of fight left in all of us. It's funny to watch you flailing about like a windmill.
Keep leadin’ with that chin…

Oh! Sorry mate, that’s right. You don’t HAVE one, do you?

You are the archetypal chinless wonder!

Still, there's always plastic surgery to nip and tuck that flabby turkey neck.

But seriously mate, you’ve done us a huge favour really. The hit rate for Whitelaw Towers has skyrocketed since you started on us with your new poofter mate. Now THERE’S someone I’d be concerned about. He appears positively FIXATED on all things QUEER! He has not friggin’ shut up about it since he emerged from his political latrine pit.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

The continuing saga of the perennially confused A.P.P.

From the hilariously titled 'Australian Identity Forums' (like they'd have a clue)

Hero Member
Karma: +134/-20
Posts: 2311
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #300 on: October 30, 2010, 03:03:33 PM »
Quote from: mutation on October 30, 2010, 02:02:58 AM
I am soooooo not following this !

“I'm with you there, mutie.”

Seems Dazzles and his (allegedly) newly found bum chum ‘Reactor’ have been a little bit too cryptic as they conspire on this smear campaign. Dazzles’ own minions apparently haven’t been brought up to speed on this particular project. It’s understandable really when you consider the degree of deception and treachery to White Patriots that is occurring. Just like the old days, eh Dazzles? You know, when the Soviet leadership, those of the ‘Inner Party’, treated the cannon fodder of the general party and the proles with utter contempt. The Machiavellian machinations of the ruling ‘elite’ (Hurr, hurr) is kept confidential and it is forbidden for the drones to know what is really going on.
Talk about being powered by hate. When are you going to reveal the truth to the troops Dazzles? When are you going to tell your minions what you actually think of them? How they are little more than stepping stones on your own personal path to glory, you twisted little megalomaniac. Have you told anyone yet how the true motives for your sick campaign of revenge lie with your pathetically impotent rage at your rejection by your former party? How that must have burned. After being rejected, even from birth, and bullied all your life, you almost had that glorious 'revenge of the nerd' in your grasping, Gollum-like claws, only to be cruelly snatched away at the very last moment.
Oh cruel fate, why dost thou mock me thusly?
Erm...because you're a repellent little weasel?
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Hero Member
Karma: +243/-27
Posts: 3585
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #301 on: Today at 06:40:36 AM »
Quote from: Reactor on October 30, 2010, 12:26:36 PM
Check the latest floundering at Brokeback Towers. Bouncing between here and there it goes something like this:
Person A: You're a poof.
Person B: No I'm not. The only reason you think that is because you have adult onset chicken pox.
Wow, that is one hell of a comeback! How can anyone return volley on that?!

“The latest @ Brokeback Towers is that you're supposed to be 'darp'”

Well? You know how to fix that quick smart, don’t you Dazzles? Firstly, at least admit you know who ‘Reactor’ really is or is not (the minimum requirement for an admin) and then, if you possess the testicular fortitude, (somewhat doubtful after your bout of 'pox) tell everyone what this is all truly about.
You see, we believe this is either a case of identity theft by FDB agents (L.S. from Canberra's profile fits 'Reactor's very neatly) or collusion between you and them. Which is it Dazzles? You know it's only a matter of time before we receive confirmation from our own people out there.
We have been inundated with phone calls, E-Mails and P.M.'s from a virtual legion of people out there who hate your festering guts and despise everything you and A.P.P. stand for and are doing to our real White Nationalist movement so we know we have real, widespread support for our position.
Certain information has been extremely helpful but, admittedly, much at this stage is simply venting by your enemies and, believe us, there are PLENTY out there. WAY more than we would have even believed ourselves, before this latest episode. How long do you think it will be before we really nail who is behind this?
Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude to the burkha. At this rate you may well end up needing to wear one yourself when you go out in public.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
As we say...
It's just a matter of time.

The Hodges and Henderson Show goes on...and on...and on...

Hodges’ eager willingness to collaborate with Henderson, while indulging his own hubris and schadenfreude, is indicative that he and his crew are utterly without honour and totally beyond redemption. Also, any hope that some may have still entertained of the A.P.P.’s eventual political ‘rehabilitation’ is a wishful and foolish notion. It is now abundantly clear that the A.P.P. is a Zionist controlled State asset working hand in glove with the false flag ‘black op’ of the so-called 'AntiFa' movement.
Just how aware each and every individual is of this complicity is unclear at this stage, for example some of the mighty Dazzler’s most loyal retainers still appear somewhat bewildered and confused. What a shame.

This one from Mutation:

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F%#k You I Wont Do What You Tell ME!
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #298 on: Today at 02:02:58 AM »
“I am soooooo not following this !”

Awww! C’mon Marky boy. Get with the program. ‘Reactor’ (Darp) is leading the posse and snuggling up to Big Dazzler, the schoolyard bully, why can’t you just join in and suck up to him along with all the other snivelling little piss ant sycophants?

And for those still in any doubt whatsoever regarding the mission of Dazzle’s new bum chum there’s this:

Karma: +1/-0
Posts: 28
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #299 on: Today at 12:26:36 PM »
“Check the latest floundering at Brokeback Towers. Bouncing between here and there it goes something like this:
Person A: You're a poof.
Person B: No I'm not. The only reason you think that is because you have adult onset chicken pox.
Wow, that is one hell of a comeback! How can anyone return volley on that?!”

Hey! Come on Dazza! Ace it up mate.
Come back with something really clever. Don’t just let ‘Reactor’ (Darp) do ALL your talking for you. Surely those nerdy looks aren’t just skin deep. There must surely be a genius behind those dweeby eye glasses. Or is that ‘glazed’ look simply the outward manifestation of your inner microcephalic state of brain damage and ‘arrested development’?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Hypocrisy Inc. A.P.P. snaps up the franchise from FDB

This from the so-called ‘Australian Protectionist’ Party’s Forum, the Coward’s Castle where anonymity is guaranteed, the facts are of no concern and the truth doesn’t matter so long as it’s a good ‘story’…

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Karma: +1/-0
Posts: 238
“True, being on opposite sides of politics does not necessitate rudeness. Unfortunately, many lose their basic humanity in dealing with political opponents.”

Wow! He really said a mouthful there, didn’t he folks?
Perhaps ‘21’ should have a quiet word in the shell-like ear of his ‘fearless leader’ Dazzlin’ Dazzles. Sadly though, due to Dazzle’s degenerative brain condition, he’d probably only hear the ocean…


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Darrin Hodges, Collaborator.

Darrin Hodges 04/09/07

"We are in the predicament we are now because of Hitler"

"Hitler did more damage to European racial sovereignty than anybody."

Above what truly happened Darrin. Please watch it you may learn something.

Again the Collaborator Darrin Hodges in an email from 2007 on his plans for the take over of Australia First.

"The wheels are already in motion, a great storm is brewing that will bring a welcome, cleansing deluge to Nationalist Politics in this country.
cheers Darrin."

Three years on and what has happened? The same old shit with a touch of collaboration from the left.
Maybe its time you re-read Sun Tzu - "Art of War" again Darrin. How is all that going by the way? I see you have mastered "All warfare is based on deception." Seems you have surpassed the antifa with spin and stereotyping. In fact who needs antifa when they have the APP doing their work for them?

Darrin Hodges 2007

"The continuing perception of AFP being seen as a branch of the Nazi Party is a problem which must be handled most vigorously if we, as a party, wish to entertain any kind of popular support."

Carry on the deception Dazza. Id rather be known as an Honorable Nationalist than a stinking collaborator, no matter what names you and the enemy create.

"And if any nazis come anywhere near my family or my property or my person, there will be FUCKING HELL TO PAY. I hope that is clear.” Nazis? Oh these ones, "Yes, I know people who claim to be NS, yet they have admitted to me they have not read or completed Mein Kampf for example" Don't over rate your importance or your influence Darrin in the real world. You are doing a good enough job on yourself with out any help from the "Nazis".

How can anyone from the leadership of the APP take you serious? Is there any leadership to speak of? Sure doesn't look like it.

"We have much work to do in regaining the trust and confidence of the people, I trust you understand our mission and accept that some personal sacrifice will be required in order for us to steer this country away from the rocks that the current establishment is determined to shipwreck us on."

Well we know what that mission was now. I see
"regaining the trust and confidence of the people" hasn't been going that well for you of late. Sure glad the majority of White Nationalists rejected you when they did.

Keep the APP forum going Dazza it only shows the "people" who you and the APP really are. I'm sure any new visitor or member would love to sign up after they read your "Nazi" rants. "What is ridiculous Jim, in the eyes of the public, is seeing a political party chasing after ghosts and phantoms." I cant wait till they make you the scape goat because of their failure to control one obnoxious collaborator.

Reactor wants a reaction...

...and...we oblige.

To be perfectly honest, and we always strive to be so, we were hoping there would be no need to make further comment on this matter but it would appear that

Dazzlin' Dazza

and his chums are more than happy to let 'Reactor' run and run with his peculiarly personal vendetta against WLT. Taking this into account we have decided to 'react' to 'Reactor's' rabid rantings. And you know folks, upon more careful analysis, this whole ‘Reactor’ thing over at the A.P.P. Forum is scarcely the work of a rare genius, It’s no more than some semi-literate malcontent, obviously harbouring serious ‘issues’, who, schooled in FDB tactics, gets some ‘well dodgy’ third hand (or worse) ‘information’ and, applying what might be deemed ‘artistic licence’ and an (hrrrmph!) ‘economy’ with the truth, extrapolates a few smear pieces from the meagre crumbs provided him by certain toxic elements with axes to grind. Hey! How about that? He’s already well credentialed as a Controlled Media hack!

Basically, and let’s cut the crap here folks, he’s just another (*yawn*) talentless bum desperate to impress all and sundry with his ‘devastating wit’. Can everyone say *F.A.I.L.*? He is about as intellectually intimidating and ‘hard’ as an overripe banana and, apart from his pure hatred, has N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

Strangely motivated by some quite serious hatred, he is pretty much the stereotypical ‘small man’ with his girlish taunting from the shadows, sans the ‘nads to go toe to toe with real grownups.

His grammar, phraseology, syntax and usage of the vernacular are so reminiscent of Mathew Henderson-Hau aka Darp and betray his influence by the FDB losers as to be virtually indistinguishable. Like some demented shaman channelling Darp or Slackbastard he excels in two of the major Jew traits, spite and hypocrisy. The posts literally drip with chutzpah and have more spin than a dreidel. These wacky hate pieces, based on third or fourth hand Chinese whispers are about as reliable as the proverbial two bob watch. In a classic display of ‘projection’ [*] he is guilty of precisely the things he accuses others of and, just as a pathological liar believes nobody else, he is seemingly impervious to the truth and inoculated against the facts.

What a sad sack.

Folks, you have to wonder at the true motivation of a creature who claims to have met only ONE of his targets ONCE and yet embarks on a vicious personal vendetta of character assassination utterly devoid of any political relevancy whatsoever. Just WHAT is this REALLY all about?

Possible sources for the half baked ‘information’ he is getting are A.W., L.A., P.T., or N.G. but there are a couple of others we are considering. Let us reassure our regular readers that WLT will publish the details of ‘Reactor’ once we have confirmed who he is.

[*] NOT that we are necessarily great believers in the theories of the sex obsessed Jew Sigmund Fraud but this particular one does seem to fit ‘Reactor’ and his behaviour quite well. The below quote is taken from wikipedia.

‘In Freudian psychology, Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defence mechanism where a person unconsciously denies their own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those feelings. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them. An example of this behaviour might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and redirect their libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another.’

Hmmm. What particular ‘problem’ does ‘Reactor’ have with the administrators of WLT? Are there indeed perhaps some more serious, deep seated ‘issues’ tormenting him?

More inane waffle from A.P.P. as the clock ticks on...

From the A.P.P. Forum:

‘The government would love APP to take a hard line against Isreal,(sic) so that they could stereotype us as nazi's,(sic) we are (not?) going to fall for that,saleam can have that all to himself.’

So, if we are interpreting it correctly, what ‘Saxon’ is basically indicating then is that the A.P.P. are not only terrified that ‘the government’ (we ASSUME it is the AUSTRALIAN government he is talking about but one never can tell, it COULD be Israel) is going to think bad things about them and ‘stereotype’ them but that what the filthy, lying, CRIMINAL traitors in ‘government’ think about ANYTHING is of some concern to White Racial Patriots. WLT certainly don’t give a flying f**k what these career criminals ‘think’. They are the E.N.E.M.Y. They are NOT your friends and never WILL be.

Don’t A.P.P. understand that they already ARE ‘stereotyped’ as ‘Nazis’ just like EVERYONE who is not a fanatical advocate of Multiculturalism and that no amount of evasion, appeasement or arse licking will ever change this one iota? Does Saxon even know how to identify the enemy? This ‘government’ he seems so concerned not to offend is representative of everything that is not in White peoples’ interests. Why would anyone even care what that sort of scum think?

Not only but also. Why does 'Saxon' so passively accept the preposterous presumption that to criticise Israel automatically renders you a 'Neo-Nazi' or an 'Anti-Semite'? Grow a set and simply REJECT their labels. Challenge them. They can only keep getting away with supression of true dissent while ever people are intimidated and keep backing down. Give them the big middle finger. What have you got to lose? We are facing extinction as a RACE and you are concerned with the delicate sensibilities of a pack of loathesome parasites? The White Genocide Clock is reading two minutes to midnight. Act now.

Get up to speed with the real World fellas. We live in a Wicked World where truth is inverted and where deviant perverts like Mathew Henderson-Hau aka 'Darp' are regarded as ‘experts’ or ‘Anti-Racist Activists’ or ‘reliable sources’ on ‘Hate Crime’. Can you imagine the ‘government’ in that World caring for one micro second what image you wish to convey?

They want you GONE. Just like WLT and everyone else in opposition to them. Either you just keep paying your taxes and shut the f**k up or you will eventually be ‘disappeared’ down the memory hole or worse, meet with an unfortunate Mossad style ‘car crash’ al a Joerg Haider or a ‘suicide’ with six shots to the back of your head. It happens almost every day all over the World.


Not big and not clever...

From the A.P.P. Forum

Hero Member
Karma: +52/-4
Posts: 536
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #271 on: October 22, 2010, 08:43:30 PM »

‘Spot on Jaxxen,unfortunately those migrants and there (sic) descendants of middle eastern background that live here,can't leave it behind,they come from hell holes, but to them,there (sic) hell hole is the most important place on the planet,and many of them spend there (sic) time trying to drag anyone who will listen to them,into the conflict.’

Essentially, like them flea bitten camel jockeys or hate ‘em, it IS 'our' conflict, the final conflict between the Chosenoids and the rest of Humanity. The Middle East is like a glimpse into our own future. This is what is in store for us. First they practice on the primitive Arabs then they move on to more (allegedly) intelligent and sophisticated victims. How about we prove we ARE that much smarter than the Muds, eh? And start by helping our people get a clue?

Is the choice really that difficult? Hmmm! Let’s think now. Good and Righteousness or Eternal Evil? Would you like to buy a vowel or do you want to phone a friend?

‘Unfortunately some Nationalists,get sucked in,and end up believing that the middle east problems are more important,than whats (sic) happening here.’

That statement is a crude and quite deliberate misrepresentation of what is actually occurring and a typical example of the ‘spin’ being put out by groups like the A.P.P. No real White Nationalists known to this writer place ‘more’ importance on the events of the Middle East but these events are ignored at our peril. The behaviour of Israel, its arrogant aggression to its neighbours, its manipulation of American foreign policy, its flouting of all the International Laws its very own tribe were so keen to apply to all others, its M.A.D. ‘Samson Doctrine’ etc provides a grim warning of what is in store to all White people.

‘Nationalists should beware of sneaky wolves in sheeps (sic) clothing.’

Oh yeah! Ain’t THAT the truth? You ain’t whistlin’ Dixie there.

Jr. Member
Karma: +1/-0
Posts: 69
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #272 on: October 22, 2010, 11:40:05 PM »

“Middle Eastern politics should have nothing to do with Australian nationalists.”

Duh! What??? Do you live in a cave? Never heard of ‘Think Globally, act locally’? How about peripheral vision? Like it or not, all ‘Nationalists’ whatever shade of the spectrum they might be, are enmeshed and ensnared in the plans of the Global Elite of International Finance and their Chosenoid controllers. What is happening in the Middle East is extremely relevant to White Nationalists in particular. We appear destined to become the Palestinians of the Pacific, disenfranchised, marginalised, vilified and ultimately subject to Genocide in the nation we built.
Wake up and smell the acrid stench of the gefilte fish, you troglodyte. Why not unite with other Nationalist groups (Globally) to treat the CAUSE of the disease and then deal with the irritating symptoms by pushing for a moratorium on Non-White Immigration and, ultimately, repatriation of all undesirables?
Now THAT’S a plan.
In this writer's opinion, the funniest irony with the way the fixated Muslim haters like Hodges carry on at times with talk about the mighty European resistance at ‘The Gates of Vienna’ etc is the spectre of our eternal and mortal enemy is always conveniently ignored. You see, while quite appropriately praising the heroism of the counter Islamic resistance fighters they fail to mention the treacherous behaviour of the vampiric aliens living among them and, as they do today, working 24/7 against their interests.

For example, immediately following White Europe’s most significant stand against Islam, the Battle of Vienna in 1683, the Jews, who had a VERY cosy relationship with the Muslim Ottoman Turks, were yet again the subject of an Austro-Hungarian pogrom when it was revealed they had assisted the Muslims with vital intelligence information to assist their military campaign against King Leopold the First and his heroic White European allies like von Starhemberg, John III Sobieski (the Lion of Lechistan) and Prince Eugene of Savoy, these ‘Court Jews’ stabbing their hosts and patrons, as they ALWAYS do, in the back.

These snakes in the grass are the very same vile creatures the Christian Zionists at A.P.P. like Hodges serve with such lickspittle obsequiousness like some sort of fawning Gollum. What a joke. What? Do they think these Chosenoids have changed? Incidents such as their White Holocausts in Russia and the Ukraine, the gutless attack on the U.S.S. Liberty during the Six Day War in 1967, their Communist spy rings in America, their sharing of U.S. military secrets with the Chinese, their Mossad involvement in the 911 false flag black op etc would suggest very much otherwise.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The A.P.P. When even Hell won’t have you…

From our comments page:

Anonymous said...

“The APP is a Nationalist Australian political alternative.”

Erm…no you’re not.

“We are interested in promoting Australian Nationalism not some yesteryear revisionist history.”

Define “Australian Nationalism” please.

“Hitler was a crackpot and killed millions of his fellow Europeans.”

Hey ‘Nick’, we hate to have to be the ones to break it to you but Hollywood ain’t a University and Spielberg movies ain’t documentaries! Ha! Ha! Ha! You WANKER!

“He murdered 28 million Russian and 10 million Poles,”

Well, even if that were true that’d put him two or three leagues below your heroes, the Jewish Bolshevists. Where those figures came from is anyone’s guess but it is probable that like all the illiterate retards at A.P.P. you obviously majored in Cut ‘n’ Paste at the University of Wikipedia. This does not constitute expertise in Political History nor pre-eminence within the Australian Nationalist socio-political sphere.

“diluted” (?)

Hmmm! Not sure what to make of that one…

“working class suburbs of Britian,(sic) Germany, Italy and France which forced Europe after the war to open its doors to third world immigration - all thanks to that fuckwit Hitler.”

Fuckwit, eh? Now that’s the pot calling the kettle ‘burnt arse’ is it not?

“Hitler was not a Nationalist but an Anarchist.”

Dear oh dear! Have you ever read a book that didn’t have BIG print and fold out, stand up figures in it let alone some actual HISTORY books? Do you have even the foggiest notion of what 'Anarchism' is?

“Hitler has done more damage to Eurpean (sic) culture and people than anyone else ever!”

Aww! C’mon ‘Nick’ Your real name’s Schlomo, right?

“Hitler and the Muslims were in bed with each other; both a pack of blind obedient shit for brains fools.”

Not really very clever at all, are you ‘Nick’? The whole ‘information revolution’ thing kinda passed you by like an express train, didn’t it? Seriously though mate, there is simply no excuse for being so ignorant of the facts in this day and age. You are either wilfully stupid, severely intellectually challenged or actively working against the very values you purport to promote. If you are the great white hope Nick, then we are truly lost.

“It seems the Nazi movment (sic) has now accepted the insanity of islam (sic) as their brothers and you call yourselves Nationalists?”

We see no evidence of this claim whatsoever and deny it emphatically. You should be careful ‘Nick’ about listening to those Black Sea Nomads. They speak with the tongues of serpents.

“APP is against third world immigration including Asian immigration. It is unsustainable to see those Fabian Commies mates in Labor support high third world immigration and multiculturalism.”

Essentially no basis for argument there.

“APP is made up of former One Nation, AFP and Liberal members.”

Read as: The A.P.P. is made up of the cast off dregs of other parties, the detritus, the political flotsam and jetsam. They are the troublemakers driven mad by their rejection. Imagine how much it must burn to be shunned by virtually ALL other groups and individuals who identify as Nationalist.

Bitter and twisted, in their impotent rage, this A.P.P. Zionist-Christian and Shabbos Goy scum turn on all others, particularly genuine White Nationalists and Racial Patriots and, utilising the chutzpah of their lords and masters, accuse all others of being losers and idiots. Theirs is not a political philosophy at all but rather a simple pathological manifestation of an acquired alien psychosis.

It reminds one of the Monty Python skit where they did a spoof on the London gangsters The Kray twins, known as ‘The Piranha Brothers’. At one point the comment is made; “They were found to be too mentally unstable, even for National Service”.

“This is something not to be ashamed of, and in my opinion is quite progressive.”

“Progressive”? Now there’s a peculiar choice of word. That’s a term usually reserved for Leftist pseudo-intellectuals.

“Good to see concerned Australians come together and form a new force in Australian political Nationalism.”

“New force”? Mate, you lot will be like last weeks newspapers in no time. You are nobodies on the road to nowhere. Talk about delusional and living in denial.

“The APP were the first to protest against Rudd and his leaky boat diplomacy. I haven't seen any other Nationlaists (sic) on the streets protesting.”

That’s a little Ostrich-like of you ‘Nick’. If you don’t ‘see’ it then it isn’t there? It isn’t happening?

“We will become the third force in Australian politics. We don't want to keep the bastards honest but 'kick them out'.”

You won’t be ‘kicking’ anything ‘Nicko’ old son, it’ll be more like ‘licking’.

“Just watch us grow!”

Ha! Ha! Ha! Mate! Dream on. You could not find your own arse in the dark armed with a torch and a map. It’s obvious who your ‘handlers’ are and who funds you but even those creeps with endless resources know when to pull the plug on a project that won’t fly.

Nicholas Folkes - Australian Protectionist Party

Nick, you’re a blockhead and you know what the late Ian Dury said about blockheads. “If it ever came to a brainy game you’d baffle a blockhead with ease!

An Ode To The A.P.P.

In Happy Valley, in the forecourt of the insane asylum, stands a gigantic statue of Saint Dazzler the Magnificent. Inscribed upon the massive granite plinth on which the noble colossus stands are the words, in gilded lettering...

“Give me your dumb, stupid, your poor

Your muddled jackasses yearning to breathe free

Your wretched fools and morons by the score

Send these, the clueless, wasters lost to me

I lift my menorah beside the golden door”

The Great Bard himself could scarcely have penned a more moving tribute to the political black hole that is the A.P.P.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

All the way with Israel and the A.P.P.

From the A.P.P.’s Australian Identity Forum:

Hero Member
Karma: +77/-24
Posts: 2916
Re: The BNP and Israel
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 08:03:02 PM »

“My take on it is, we are a part of and support this project of civilisation.”

There is absolutely NOTHING ‘civilised’ about the Criminal Zionist Cabal and its Bandit State of Israel.

“If we look to the middle-east to determine who would be included in this project of civilisation, its (sic) obvious that Israel would qualify.”

That statement is an obscenity and an insult to any who have even the most rudimentary understanding of the term ‘civilisation’.

“Therefore we do not support Israel merely because it is Israel, in the same way we do not support the United States simply because it is the U.S of A.”

Sadly, in real terms of administration, legislation, logistics and global policy the two are essentially inseparable.

“Israel is part of this project of civilisation, as is the United States or Great Britain and as a civilisation we can choose to hang together or hang separately in trying to defend it.”

You Darrin ‘defend’ nothing but the utterly indefensible and morally repugnant.

“Additionally Australia has a long history with Israel, even before its creation as a modern state.”

Of course! As part of the British Empire Australia was closely associated with the British forces that administered the area ‘formerly known as Palestine’ and, as such, Australians should be just as angry at the gutless campaign of terrorism waged by the Zionist scum which peaked in its barbarity and ferocity with the bombing of the King David Hotel.

There is no excuse for not being aware of the methods employed in the process of creating the Bandit State of Israel. If Dazzles and Co are going to persist in waffling about the history of the Middle East insofar as it is pertinent to their ‘one trick pony’ approach to ‘Nationalism/Patriotism’ and his/their hatred of Islam that blinds him/them to all other issues, then they need to be honest and do some serious research.

“From the last great cavalry charge of the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba in October 1917, to Australian soldiers doing volunteer work in the kibbutzim during WWII, through to Australian political and diplomatic efforts that saw the creation and recognition of the modern state of Israel.”

Yeah! Let’s talk about the Fabian Socialist Proto Jew Bob Hawke, hey? While we’re at it let’s talk about all the other lickspittle brown nosers who all prostrate themselves in abject slavery and worship at the altar of White Genocide in the Synagogue of Satan.

“Israel and Australia have more in common than most people realise.”

What? Do we have secret Nuclear weapons? Do we do research on Biological agents that target specific Races? Do we have stockpiles of White Phosphorous? A hideous terror weapon that is banned by the Geneva Convention? Do we have a citizenship policy based on the ‘Nuremburg Laws’ as Israel does? Do we live behind steel fencing and razor wire?

“Both were the product of British colonialism (in one way or another), both were populated by people nobody else wanted”

Boy! Ain’t THAT part the truth? Israel, according to a certain Jew this writer once knew, was populated by “the scum of European Jewry, the absolute dregs, the con artists and rip off merchants”. According to this South African born Jew the founders of Israel were Meshuga or “crazy” Jews, inspired by the racial elitism and pure hatred of Zionism.

“and both defended their soil with their own blood.”

Well that would be a very rare case in history where the Jews actually did their own fighting instead of waging war by proxy as they had done for centuries in their manipulation of fratricidal wars between the Goyim.

“Our glorious dead lie at rest in war graves throughout Beersheba and Jerusalem, Israel was partly founded on Australian blood.”

I doubt that particular sentiment would raise much support even among the most poorly educated Australians.

“I can say without hesitation that I am an Australian Nationalist first and last.”

Yes, indeed you can say that Darrin. It’s just that we and the vast majority of other White Nationalists simply won’t believe you are a ‘Nationalist’ of ANY sort. You see, Dazzles, just as the truth will always out, so too does the past come back to haunt one. We will never forget how you once said, in relation to your backflipping and your outright lies, "It's just politics"

“However if we are to pass on anything of value at all to our children, then we must defend this great project of civilisation or damn our children to become slaves of Allah or worse.”

Time to get up to speed Dazzles. You are already a slave. And it matters not a jot whether the master be Allah or G_D or Jaweh or Mammon or Beezlebub. A slave is a slave is a slave. All else is contrived sophistry and deliberate misinformation about who is at the top of this global conspiracy.

“I'm not prepared to let some Nazi f***heads decide my children's future, are you?”


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Dazzles and the Drone Clones

The continuing story of fake Australian 'Nationalists'
From the A.P.P.'s ‘Australian Identity’ Forum:

Supporting Members
Sr. Member
Karma: +36/-0
Posts: 259
Re: The real Dr. Jim Saleam
« Reply #67 on: January 10, 2010, 11:11:45 AM »
Quote from: darrinh on January 10, 2010, 10:12:03 AM
“Saleam continues to build his elaborate fantasy via his sock puppet, white trash towers. Even though they tried to rewrite it, you can see many Saleamesque phrases slip though. Imagine being a sock puppet for the mad Arab?”

“Saleamesque”? Careful Dazzles, that word has three syllables. Just because you’ve managed recently to claw your way above Sixth Grade level in English Grammar there’s no need to get cocky.

Oh, okay, okay, dry your eyes now. We’ll let you have that one if we can use ‘Darpesque’ or ‘slackbastardesque’.

“As you will see these idiots are only following orders.....Oh yes we have a lot more yet. We just need to let them hang themselves a bit more. Old Darrin better start packing or praying.

oh noes, have they discovered my MOSSAD handler?”

Standard and predictable chutzpah regarding The MOSSAD aside and the bold mention of the word ‘handler’ (he actually ‘handles’ himself anyway, and way too much) that is quite a revealing exclamation. “oh noes”? This writer has only ever observed two (2) entities in Australian Politics use that term and usually while taunting White Nationalists about some setback or general crime against White Humanity. They are @ndy ‘slackbastard’ and Brian ‘weezil’ Stokes. Dazzles is literally morphing in front of our eyes into an FDB clone.

See I told you Darrin these idiots are running scared! Its (sic) just rhetoric & conjecture, a flimsy speculation of a turd that is drying out.

A person trained in psychiatric matters would probably call that ‘projection’. White Nationalists simply recognise it for what it is, more chutzpah.

I like this sentence

What a coincidence. So do we!

Over these years, Whitelaw Towers has spoken to many nationalists.

Correct and precise as stated, REAL ones that is, not the phoney three Dollar notes that proliferate around Dazzles.

In he's (sic) dreams with his hand on it!

‘WLT’ believes it is actually the tragically illiterate PAT50 who is the dreamer and indulger of auto-erotic masturbation.

WLT has never spoken to me and doesn't have a clue of what he is writing, I mean he fires broadsides at everybody!

Nor would we wish to PAT50, as ‘WLT’ has indulged more than enough idiots like you over the years and wasted far too much time that could have been spent more productively just saving the White Race from extinction…although…it is tempting to allow wretched creatures such as you to be culled by ZOG from the gene pool. That is if you are even White!

“He” fires broadsides at those who deserve broadsides. Here at ‘WLT’ we stand by our product. The truth hurts, especially when it’s funny and our readers just love watching us expose the liars and humiliate the idiots. Truly, we get great fan mail and very supportive testimonials from many within the White Nationalist Community. The folks out there love it. They can’t get enough of it.

If you find when you come here and read ‘WLT’ that it upsets you, makes you angry or hurts your delicate sensibilities then we suggest you just GO AWAY!

The name says it in a nut shell Whitelaw Towers, you know "look out or whitey O'll (sic) get yer"! (sic)

The ‘name’ was around long prior to your emergence from beneath your slimy, moss encrusted rock ‘PAT50’ and shall remain long after you have moved on to your ultimate and inevitable state of absolute oblivion. Good luck in your future career as a speed hump or similar.

A common KKK saying isn't it. (?)

We’re sorry, we missed that PAT. What precisely is the ‘common KKK saying’?

Bring it on WLT!

The last sentence nails ‘PAT50’ as a kid, a dreamer or both. What a pitiful sad sack.

Friday, January 8, 2010

For every Action there will be an Equal Reaction. APP Bull Shit Machine.

This from Mark Wilson (Saxon)Leader of the Australian Protectionist Party.

"So these "tough" talkers,are happy with the Somalian who tried to kill the Danish cartoonist,who is very much a European,because he dared to be critical of Islam.

and they must be happy with the African who tried to blow up a plane full of Eurpean tourists,and Americans returning home from holiday,

They should ask there Furer saleem,why is he is so happy for African moslems to kill ethnic Europeans,and then ask themselves why do they listen to this sicko."

Well folks this is truly desperate stuff. We have a huge amount of TRUTH FULL information that will eventually expose these White Anters for what they are. As you will see these idiots are only following orders. You truly have to wonder about a So Called Party that has its leaders Mark Wilson and Darrin Hodges acting like a couple of kids from a second rate Internet forum. They have no hope. It must be noted once again every article written here and at Darrin Hodges Zionist Home Page is just a reply to yet another attack from these simpletons. They can keep firing away in a desperate attempt to fracture White Nationalism in this country, but the end game is near.

More Dirt On These 'Right-Wing' Liberals . The Story Of Peter Applin

Well folks we had hoped it would never come to this, but I must say our hand has been forced. You see since 2005 staff at WLT - and its many associates - have not only been doing battle with the reds, but also with gutter creatures that are placed inside the WN movement. That's five years of research and experience at spotting agent provocateurs inside our movement. We have been pushed from pillar to post by these frauds. We have been silenced with smear and innuendo to discredit us along with many other legitimate activists. We found these rats at SFDU and have been keeping an eye on them ever since.

Over these years, Whitelaw Towers has spoken to many nationalists. Most of these people are our personal friends; others are just WN of very long standing. We looked back over the years to see if any patterns would emerge that would help us identify the state sponsored plants who have caused so much damage to the cause. We looked to the UK to try and understand what has happened over there and attempted to compare what has happened there and what is happening now. What follows readers is Hard Rain for the Australian Protectionist Party, and hopefully will be the end of the traitors that attack the Real White Nationalist Movement and its true followers.

Who says history doesn't repeat? The APP really needs to get their collective head around this.

It's 1977. We are all getting sick and tired of re runs from Mash, and one Lyenko Urbanchich an old friend of the Darby dynasty and David Clarke, has just gotten through telling about 20 patriotic type people in a room at the British Ex Services Club, that the Liberal Party is the natural vehicle for Aussie patriotism. He remarks that some softies are in charge and they are morally lax and weak in really standing up to the Reds. His faction will take over the party and restore the hard line of Menzies. "What about immigration?" someone asks. Lyenko says that "traditional sources" are being downplayed right now by the Liberal government, but when the faction gets stronger, that should mean more people "like us" coming in.

Yes what about immigration I bet he didn't discuss it with the 200 Vietnamese he'd just signed up for Liberal branches? I bet he discussed it with his mate Oleg Kavanenko who said in print that anyone could come to Australia as long as they were anti-communist. Boy, this all sounds so familiar, swap the reds for Muslims and the old boys above for Darby and Fred Nile and bango - it's 2010. All they need is a Party to string along. Anyway back to Mash re runs

The two nationalists present at the meeting were then introduced to Peter Applin, a British bloke, who was organising for them in Liverpool.

Applin reported that he'd been in Australia for about 12 months or so, that he was on the committee of the British National Front (NF), that he was hard and tough on immigration and that only through the Liberal Party could "our views" ever get to power. Applin said "abandon these minor efforts" and get into the big party. You're
a "faction" there, he said, protected by the party rules. You can take over. "I finally learned that in Britain", he said.

The Applin Story

Alas, pommy Peter was not what he'd try to project. It seems that he was in the National Front alright, in a dirty faction of his own that sounds so much like the APP today, you'd have to believe in deja vu.

In 1974, John Tyndall, the man to hate at APP headquarters, was running the NF. A faction mobilized against him. They said that he had a bad media image because the media kept saying he was a "Nazi". He was too hard and fast on immigration and repatriation and always too outspoken on Zionism. He was not "popular". If the nationalist cause could look like common sense ordinary person politics, then it would get somewhere and really compete with Conservative and Labour. But you have to get rid of rough edges and rough people.

The faction were called "the Populists" and their campaign to modernise and moderate the National Front (as they liked to put it) was supported in a hundred sneaky ways with selective publicity from the outside by Martin Walker, a journalist with The Guardian newspaper.

The leader of the faction was John Kingsley-Read, a former Conservative Party member. The populists said in public that they were modern and popular and - well, mainstream. In private, they continued to bullshit to people that they were also really as hard as nails, but just too clever to say it. Sound familiar?

Eventually in October 1974, they got the numbers and rolled Tyndall. Late in 1975, they expelled him, but a legal error led to them being rolled in court. Kingsley-Read left the NF, but his rival party never prospered.

Peter Applin was up to his neck in this conspiracy. But it gets better.

Following Kingsley-Read's death in 1985, Searchlight claimed he had been working as an agent. This was disputed by Nick Griffin (of all people and very funny that) and others who claimed that Kingsley- Read had really been working with the knowledge of other leading members of the NF to pass misinformation to the Searchlight. John Tyndall as late as 2002 wrote at length on Kingsley-Read with further material that suggested Kingsley-Read was a double agent. Given the split in the NF and the campaign to bring him to power by The Guardian, he was hardly working
for the National Front.

So Applin comes to Australia and pushes the Liberal Party to the emerging nationalist movement? He could not be persuaded to join any type of nationalist organization. We can see why.

What was Applin's function in the Liberal game? His role was to act as a talent scout and look for disgruntled anti immigration people and lead them into the Liberal takeover plot. Here they would waste time and energy and doing what could not be done. He'd be there to administer smooth talk whenever questions were asked.


Now we have a group in Australia determined to get a good media profile by smearing anyone they can as "Nazis". They work with people right out of Australia's 'Conservative Party' - the Liberals. One of them - Darrin - was in the Liberals and was actually promoted by Mark Wilson of APP as "Australia's Nick Griffin" to take over Australia First. They split the party when they couldn't take it over. Was Darrin more properly another Kingsley-Read?

The new APP alliance with the Liberal Right means that they've also moved on from 1996-7 when they worked against Hanson. Back then, the Liberal Right of Darby and Clarke was to serve the role as a hard system alternative ready to take wayward Liberals back when they tired of Hanson and to set out the outer markers of Liberal membership. Clever stuff folks. Now it seems that all of a sudden they have changed their minds. If you believe that, you should be a member of the APP, or just give up now and join the Liberal Party.

We wonder if the APP has its own Peter Applin? Someone telling them that "we need a nationalist party" (that's the soft soap for some patriotic people looking for a place to go), but we have to have alliances with groups who are standing up for the family and ,morality and against the Islamic invasion - like the Christian Democrats and the Liberal Right. "We're not some silly sect but moving to the mainstream and these guys will help get us there." We can almost hear these words.

Oh yes we have a lot more yet. We just need to let them hang themselves a bit more. Old Darrin better start packing or praying.

Further Reading.

Hodges NSW APP A Right Wing Branch Of The Liberal Party?
On December 12, the Australian Protectionist Party (APP) invited a certain Mr. Michael Darby... Here

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A World of Demons and Angels…

Darrinh said: “PAT50, the people behind whitetrash towers are Nazis. One of the people there is a prominent member of Saleam's Australia First Party. They pretend to stand for certain things, but at the end of the day, they are nothing more then (sic) Hitler worshippers.”

Francis Pharcellus Church said: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”

The Priest said: There are demons behind every door. The wicked World abounds with dark shadows where evil entities lurk and plot our destruction.”

RRR said “Almost every Catholic Priest is a pederast.”

Roger Waters said: “The Germans killed the Jews, the Jews killed the Arabs, the Arabs killed the Hostages, and that is The News!”

David Irving said: “Of course, it is a question of freedom of speech. Obviously, you can't trust German historians, you can't trust Austrian historians if they are constantly writing the history with the law over their shoulder, telling them what to write.”


Who to believe, who to believe…

Not only but also…

Cliff Stoll & Gary Schubert (or perhaps Frank Zappa?) said: “Data is not Information. Information is not Knowledge. Knowledge is not Understanding. Understanding is not Wisdom.”

Darrinh: The answer to the question nobody asked. The Christmas present you never wanted. Everything you never needed to know about bourgeois indulgence and parochial insularity. The man whose wit and wisdom could be engraved on the head of a pin. The kind of ‘idiot’ Dostoyevsky would disown. An enigma wrapped in a conundrum within a riddle? The needle in a camel’s eye…


…just a deadshit

A.P.P. still flappin’ those toothless gums…

Y’know, in another time and another place (perhaps some bizarre parallel universe?) it just might be almost funny. Here and now, with all the insidious manoeuvres being executed by The MOSSAD and its useful idiot Shabbos Goyim at the A.P.P. and other pseudo Neo-Conservative groups (G’Day Mr. Abbott) funny it ain’t, sinister it most certainly is.

Worthy of note here is Darrin and the A.P.P.’s outrageously clichéd stereotyping of true White Nationalists as drunken Sieg Heilers and desperate losers from broken homes with dysfunctional families having low intelligence and no future. This mirrors perfectly the FDB and general Leftist tactic of ignoring the essential issues and political ideology and going straight for the dirty smear and character assassination. Now, having moved on to publishing screenshots from private, member only websites, quoting certain supposedly contentious comments out of context to put a particular spin on things, he is definitely following DARP101 to the letter.

The knuckle dragging mouth breathers who predominate over at A.P.P. can’t even get their insults right. If you are going to disrespect and ridicule Whitelaw Towers properly it’s ‘white trash SEWERS’ you morons. Sheesh! Didn’t you listen to Stokesy, Brian ‘weezil’ that is, properly at your last FDB briefing? If you’re going to imitate FDB and be the new ‘source’ for disinformation and lies about White Nationalists you’ll have to do better than that.

There was one comment that did strike this writer as hysterically funny though. Some idiot who calls itself ‘PAT50’ (please tell us it’s not THE Pat) claimed WE would be the ones eating the scraps at THEIR barbecue! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Coming from a mob of Five Dollar ‘Nationalists’ where the ruck for the last Iced Vo Vo at one of their ‘meetings’ (is five or six people a ‘meeting’?) could lose you a limb that IS funny. No girls, we’re sorry to have to inform you, apart from your leaders, who are no doubt in receipt of a regular stipend from the ZOG, it’s YOU sorry losers who’ll be the dumpster divers come the big meltdown.

Almost as mirth inducing was the comment that A.P.P. have we, the true White Nationalists, "running scared"!?!?!!!!

Hello! Reality check. Wake up, it's time for your medication. Actually that IS a joke because we can't imagine ANY drug that could maintain in the patient that degree of delusion for such sustained peiods of time. Nope. It's just gotta be a 'natural' form of lunacy. Some severe form of psychological pathology that renders the sufferer absolutely impervious to reason, common sense and the ability to discern between the state of consciousness we call reality and the zombie-like sleepwalk the A.P.P. appear to exist in. We believe one just couldn't fake the stupidity of Dazza and friends with to such a convincing level. It has to be real.

Now, the agenda at Whitelaw Towers and its associated allies within the TRUE White Nationalist Movement is one of Urban Survival through financial viability. This is achieved by disengagement from the system wherever practical and achievable. The agenda over at A.P.P. would appear to be one of appeasement with the Chosenites, a symbiotic existence with The System and reliance upon a promised ‘reward’ for being good little arse licking Shabbos Goyim.

Again, we’re sorry to have to give you ‘tards another reality check, but you can’t make ‘deals’ with serpents. No matter how many times you prostrate yourselves before the altar of ZOG in the Synagogue of Satan. Your ‘reward’, at best, will be a painless death, lethal injection perhaps?

It’s said that every Man has his price Dazza. It would appear that yours was pretty low.

Hey! What’s that sound? That clinking, jangling sound. It sounds like loose change.

Are those thirty pieces of Silver wearing a hole in your pocket yet Dazza?

How long can it be before the faithful acolytes and obsequiously slobbering arselickers over at A.P.P., like ‘PAT50’, realise their Little Tin God has feet of clay?

Oh, and say G’Day to your good buddy Joe for us Dazzles, Hildebrand, that is.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hodges NSW APP A Right Wing Branch Of The Liberal Party?

On December 12, the Australian Protectionist Party (APP) invited a certain Mr. Michael Darby

to its new speaking club in Sydney. Darrin Hodges NSW spokesperson and Mark Wilson ex BNP and APP leader were there. Was Darby’s attendance a random thing? Not at all – because the APP leadership has long promoted as an “ally” the pool from which Mr. Darby springs. In fact I suggest this source pool may have spewed forward the APP.

The door has opened for the APP to move on as the Australians For Honest Politics chosen vehicle, the Clayton's Nationalist Party. The Nationalist Party you have when haven't got a Nationalist Party.

Michael Darby is no small player in Sydney’s shadow world. Expelled from the Liberal Party a year and a half ago for “breaches” of the party rules, Darby went straight over to Hodge's favorite Zionist Christian Party and Pal Fred Nile’s Christian Democratic Party (CDP) as the good reverend’s chief of staff. He is now going to integrate the CDP with the so-called “right-wing faction” of the Liberal Party directed by David Clarke.

Darby and Clarke have been close mates for 40 years when they were first in the conservative forum,
the Fifty Club, based in Kings Cross. They have co-operated a so-called conservative faction in the Liberal Party from that time right through until about 1991 when it dissolved. Its main bag was anti-communism and when the old Red Empire died about then, it had run out of steam. The faction went into hibernation until Tony Abbott (yes, Tony Abbott) revived it in August 1996 – one month before Pauline Hanson set off an explosion via a speech in Federal Parliament. In December 1996, the faction was up and going – and that was 4 months before Pauline actually set up One Nation. Is that planning or what? Then Tony disappeared and left the group to get on with it.

Mark Wilson APP Leader(Saxon)
knows all about them. When he was in Australia First, he discussed with other members the workings of this faction and how it played a vital function in putting up the barrier to Pauline Hanson bleeding away further Liberal Party support and to act later as the patriotic rope to pull them all back in once Pauline’s tide had ebbed.

What Are These Liberals??

The new conservative faction would promote itself as a family, Christian and free enterprise thing which was in favour of a strong alliance with the USA and which saw Israel as a pivotal reality for a new conservative world view. It waves the flag about and says it wants everyone to integrate into Australia as English speaking “citizens” who believe in these values. Perhaps this echoed its 1980’s spokesman Major Ashley-Riddell who used to say: “I believe in God, the Queen, the Judiciary and the Services”. He did. And his Vietnamese wife did too. It was what nationalists call a civic nationalist outfit and not an appetising one at that.

Because communism was dead by 1996 as a bogeyman to suck in patriots, a new bogeyman was needed. The faction adopted the neo-con position that saw Islamism as the number one enemy of Western Christian Democratic Civilisation. Anyone not willing to go a Waltzing Matilda with the neo-cons in Washington to attack every Moslem country etc. was some sort of goddam Muzzie-loving Israel-hating bad guy. Just like 30 years back: if someone questioned US motives, then he was a “commie”.

The faction has always been smart at what it did. When it was an anti communist thing, it would work with all sorts of folks. There was the Asian People’s Anti Communist League (APACL) which senior Liberal politicians supported as did Darby’s father, Douglas Darby MP. This later became the World Anti Communist League which was sponsored by Taiwan and South Korea. This group organized Captive Nations Weeks and Freedom Rallies which even Malcolm Fraser attended. It was a big happy family kicking the commo can. Yes, we know communism was bad, but were our allies and the cause of liberal capitalism better?? They have proven not to be!! So these Liberals were supporting the system? Obviously!

Douglas Darby met regularly with Asian communities in Australia and told them immigration from Taiwan should be increased. Try and think of the last time Hodges or anyone from APP spoke about Asian Immigration? A real and ever increasing problem. They spend more time attacking White Australians and labeling them NAZIs or Pro Islamic.

These Liberals were never big on White Australia. That was shown after 1976 when, despite some rhetoric dished up for the sucked-in-ones, they sponsored in through the voice of leading member Lyenko Urbanchich, anti-communists (??) from South Vietnam. These Viets were recruited into the Liberal Party.That was Michael’s position too and it was certainly always David Clarke’s position. In fact, David Clarke convinced Bob Clark of the great activist Immigration Control Association to shut down in 1975 – “because Malcolm Fraser will do it all”. They even held unity meetings in 1975 with every nationalist and anti immigration group known to convince them to support Fraser. It was a con job.

And Nazis Too

Interestingly, in the context of the APP’s ranting at nationalists that they are “Nazis”, the Liberal anti communists knew how to play with so-called Nazis. In 1966, Urbanchich actually chauffeured Nazi leader Arthur Smith to a rally being addressed by a so-called communist so he could assault him. John Howard of the Young Liberals cheered Smith on. In 1975, a campaign worker with Michael Darby’s team in Gough Whitlam’s seat privately paid the Nazis to appear at a rally addressed by Darby so he could condemn them – thus supposedly robbing Whitlam of some point or other stemming from Darby’s wide contacts with all sorts of loud anti communists. It probably didn’t really help. In 1979, someone close to David Clarke paid Nazis to paint slogans attacking a nationalist leader with the false allegation he was a “Duntroon poofta”.

Pretending they are extremists, even Nazis, is a game some of these Liberals will play if it leads to some group being integrated into their workings, neutered or used somehow. It’s a little like Darrin Hodges telling nationalists "I am Nazi". In fact, one of these Liberals told members of the Patriotic Youth League in 2004 that they were really a type of militant nationalist group and that they had the support of “someone who was in the SS”. These Liberals will say just about anything to advance themselves.

Darrin Gets In Touch

It’s pretty much well known that Darrin Hodges set up a parallel group inside Australia First in 2006. It wasn’t long before these Liberals and Darrin were in touch. When he held a meeting that Australia First wasn’t supposed to know about in early 2007, a meeting all about Islam, members of the Liberal Party turned up. It seems they were part of the group that tried to impose a Lebanese candidate for the Shire on the party in the 2007 poll. Members of Australian Christian Nation Association came (they were recently addressed in the Shire by David Clarke) and they stand openly for Israel and are Christian Zionists. Former members of the South Lebanon Army, a criminal mercenary group used by Israel, were there too. There was Jackie, Fred Nile’s secretary, a Jewish lady who converted over to Christianity, but still a fervent supporter of Israel. With all these folks, Hodges conducted innumerable meetings afterwards.

In other words, the secret meeting looked like what the David Clarke / Michael Darby Liberals look like. Except a mass of Assyrians (Christians) was missing!!!

Darrin Hodges accepted all this as part of building a great anti Muslim front. Clarke and Co will throw you a few anti Islamic bones in their press statements etc. and seek to get you in.

Basically, the Liberal ‘Right’ and the CDP are not in any way nationalists. They are high immigrationists. Nile wants to increase immigration massively. David Clarke wants masses of “Christians”. Darrin Hodges was told all that by Australia First in 2006-7 but obviously doesn’t care too much.

So what now? The APP will increasingly get together with the Liberal Right. Mainstream, here they come. Sooner or later, APP will tone down even the rhetoric about alien immigration, rant on further about striking down all who question Zionism and attack any nationalist group as outside the mainstream. Yet it will keep up just enough of the pretence to draw in people so they can get gelded and water down Australian White Nationalism.

Michael Darby will continue to do what he has dome for over 40 years. It’s just one big honey trap for all.